She started taking photos at age seven, and was amazed at the height of the Sears Tower in downtown Chicago. And at a very young age, she learned all about shooting angles and composition. Since that time she followed in her father's footsteps with her love of photography. Although her father had his own darkroom when she was growing up, it was the direction that photography was heading that really "caught her eye". With her love of Ansel Adams and Richard Avedon, she started with roll film -- and hesitated yet artistically mastered the new medium of digital photos. After shooting nearly half her life (with over 150 digital books in print; 45 published DVDs and over 85,000 photos taken) she is also known for getting her arms around the myriad of pictures we all capture and collect over time. Her aggressive and determined ways of storage and preservation show how an appreciated art can withstand the test of time (and humidity).
Taking courses in Black and White Photography and Night Photography, she also has gained a tremendous amount of experience with Studio Lighting and Children Portraiture.
An avid volleyball parent (with camera in hand) brought her a better understand and appreciation of the difficulties of Sports Photography ... really? shooting in poor if not dismal settings with NO flash! Served as the Lead Photographer at Regis Jesuit High School, providing leadership and ongoing support of the GIRLS' Volleyball Program, shooting five teams, every year and concluding their end of
season with her infamous DVD, known
and loved by all.
After two daughters graduated from Regis Jesuit High School in Aurora, Colorado, she concluded her assignment there which spanned seven years, from August of 2010 until November of 2016.
Since the spring of 2016, I have focused on Social Events, Family Reunions, Culinary Events. Many event bookings have filled my calendar ... and for this, I am most grateful.
Who is the Digital Diva?
RSH Consulting Services, LLC
dba The Digital Diva, LLC
Cell: 303-726-3205